The Growth Project: Day 9

Aric Schmeets
3 min readSep 14, 2020

Today was Day 9 of the Growth Project, and this is how it turned out:

1. Mindfulness

Today I meditated for 20 minutes and took brain breaks in between activities.

2. Health/ Exploration

For brain health, I took my daily supplements, which consists of fish oil, Matter, Turmeric, and vitamin D.

I feel pretty low energy today so I think I’m just gonna stretch and hang out.

3.Computer Science/ Software Engineering

I wasn’t able to get to this today.

4. Writing

I wrote this post!

I also recorded a dream that I had; My little brother Ian and I went on a run in our new neighborhood of a house we had just moved into, it was really nice. At some point in the run I realized I had a power ranger suit on and thought that was peculiar. We proceeded to get lost and I pulled my phone out to find our way home and when we got home, there was a big swimming pool and we went swimming. After a little while in the pool, still with the ranger suit on, people started flooding in and I couldn’t get out because there were seemingly thousands of people in the pool.

I also penned my priorities and gratitude exercise in my journal. I reflected before I went to bed in my journal as well.

5. Reading

Today I began reading the four agreements. I love the introduction to the book, describing the boy coming upon the insight that everyone is dreaming and that we are made of stars, that everyone is god. One of the reasons that I love this concept so much is because it relates closely to the beliefs I have tried to instill in my life, the unity that comes from realizing that we are all atomic soup made from stardust and the empathy that comes from that same place. He breaks it down into a Matrix style “Everyone is dreaming” style reality with everyone adopting beliefs that come from their parents and society that are deeply built in which seems to be a very common concept in self-help and wisdom filled books.

6. Music

I practiced strumming patterns and finger picking for about 30 minutes today!

7. Juggling

I practiced juggling for about 30 minutes today.

8. Cooking/Diet

I woke up, drank some coffee and my brain smoothie and made an omelette with spinach, cheese, and chicken. I ate a croissant and some chocolates for lunch, so I am definitely breaking my diet. I will persist a keto framework for my diet after today! I am gonna eat spaghetti at my mom’s house for dinner later.

9. Typing

Today I practiced typing for 15 with the home row and got my average wpm up to 44!

10. Social Skills

I hung out with my family and watched movies.

This was the ninth day in The Growth Project!

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Aric Schmeets

I am a meditator, reader, listener, and more! I am focusing on personal growth and writing. Much love! ❤