The Growth Project: Day 8

Aric Schmeets
3 min readSep 13, 2020

Today was Day 8 of the Growth Project, and this is how it turned out:

1. Mindfulness

I did a 20 minute meditation on the waking up app today with a blindfold on, it really helps me flow when I have less stimulation.

I also took 10 minute brain breaks in between doing my activities.

2. Health/ Exploration

For brain health, I took my daily supplements, which consists of fish oil, Matter, Turmeric, and vitamin D.

I woke up and went outside and stretched, ran, and did some burpees, despite the pretty bad air quality.

3. Computer Science/ Software Engineering

I spent some time reading about what C# really is and what it’s main use is. I also read about out variables and null objects.

4. Writing

I wrote this post and penned my priorities and gratitude exercise in my journal.

5. Reading

Today I read some more limitless and here’s what I got:

I read a section on memory and why training your memory is essential.

  1. Memory is discipline for the mind; many people in the age of information don’t train their mind to think quickly, and often get really lazy when they have to use their mind for a task.
  2. No, you can’t always google it; Sometimes you don’t have access to the internet, and you will often be sidetracked with useless information when you rely on google for everything. No expert is an expert by solely googling everything they need to know, they train their mind.
  3. Memorization creates repertoire of what we think about; Nobody can think in a vacuum of information. To be an expert in any field requires knowledge that you already have.
  4. The exercise of memory develops learning and memory schema that promote improved ability to learn; The more you can remember, the more you will learn.

6. Music

Today I just found random songs and practiced each for about five minutes to get down different basic chords and chord patterns.

7. Juggling

Getting better by the day!!

8. Cooking/Diet

I woke up and made some tea and a brain smoothie!

For lunch I made an omelette with cheese, spinach, and chicken. Yum! I also had a small cup of coffee.

9. Typing

Today I practiced typing for about 20 minutes, definitely noticing progress with the home row.

10. Social Skills

I watched a video on how to never run out of things to say:

  1. “Oh! That reminds of me of ___” look to your environment for things to reminisce on.
  2. Ask open ended questions. Instead of “Oh, are you from Toronto?” Ask “Oh how do you like Toronto, I’ve always wanted to go there?”. Remember simply asking “Why?” can get people to open up.
  3. Use revival questions, “So, what’s your story?” “Any exciting plans for the future?”
  4. Make a complimentary cold read. Label people with compliments, “ You look like you are into fitness!”.

This was the eighth day in The Growth Project!

Go to the previous day

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Aric Schmeets

I am a meditator, reader, listener, and more! I am focusing on personal growth and writing. Much love! ❤