The Growth Project: Day 11

Aric Schmeets
2 min readSep 18, 2020

Today was Day 11 of the Growth Project, and this is how it turned out:

1. Mindfulness

I meditated for 20 minutes and took brain breaks throughout my day. I took a two day break from this project due to some anxiety about my health, but I’m back and ready to kill it (and not dying, which is cool).

2. Health/Exploration

For brain health, I took my daily supplements, which consists of fish oil, Matter, Turmeric, and vitamin D.

I still can’t exercise outside, the air quality index is >200. I just did some squats and push ups this morning to warm my body/brain up.

3. Computer Science/ Software Engineering

I studied the introductory curriculum for Azure, Microsoft's cloud computing service, in order to get my certifications done.

4. Writing

I wrote this post!

5. Reading

I read The Hero With a Thousand Faces a little more, I have to take it in bite sized chunks because it’s so densely packed.

6. Music

I played the ukulele for about 5 minutes and wasn’t really feeling it so I cut the sesh short.

7. Juggling

I juggled for about 20 minutes, it was super nice to get into flow after a few days off.

8. Diet/Cooking

I woke up today and ate a big omelette with two slices of peanut butter toast, I think I’m gonna drop the keto diet for now, I may pick it up at a later date, but I’m gonna start a generally healthy diet with normal carbs and low sugar. I finally got my Four Sigmatic morning routine mushroom coffee with Lion’s mane and Chaga nootropic mushrooms, and that shit is fantastic. I felt great like three sips in. I am looking forward to waking up with that coffee every day.

9. Typing

I practiced typing for about 5 minutes and got my top speed to 65 wpm!

10. Social Skills

I didn’t find time to practice my social skills today.

This was the tenth day in The Growth Project!

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Aric Schmeets

I am a meditator, reader, listener, and more! I am focusing on personal growth and writing. Much love! ❤