The Growth Project: Day 10

Aric Schmeets
2 min readSep 15, 2020

Today was Day 10 of the Growth Project, and this is how it turned out:

1. Mindfulness

I did a 20 minute mindfulness mediation via the Waking Up app. I also took 10 minute brain breaks. I also did a 20 minute meditation before work.

2. Health/Exploration

For brain health, I took my daily supplements, which consists of fish oil, Matter, Turmeric, and vitamin D.

Still unable to go outside to work out or to go on any hikes because of the air quality, so I just did some exercises in my room.

3. Computer Science/Software Engineering

I learned the difference between static and non-static methods and when to use both. I also worked through some logic in my coffee program. My step-dad and I discussed certifications, and I am gonna start studying for one of those!

4. Writing

I wrote this post and set my intention, gratitude, and priorities in my journal.

5. Reading

I began reading The Hero With a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell, the first bit he goes into the Oedipus complex and the origin of myths in dreams.

6. Music

I practiced basic chord progressions and strumming patterns for about 20 minutes.

7. Juggling

I practiced juggling for about 20 minutes today!

8. Diet/Cooking

I made some tea and my brain smoothie for breakfast. I made a little spinach wrap for lunch. I also had an omelette.

9. Typing

I typed for about 15 minutes today and my average wpm was 54

10. Social Skills

I didn’t get a chance to practice this today.

This was the tenth day in The Growth Project!

Go to the previous day

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Aric Schmeets

I am a meditator, reader, listener, and more! I am focusing on personal growth and writing. Much love! ❤